Air Hole Giant - A New Journey And New Horizons ! !

Fiction, Incest, Teen, Voyeurism
Having won the Shinou conference, Ash Ketchum is returning to his home base in palette Town for a well deserved residuum before continuing on his journey to become a Pokemon Master. Having said his farewells to Brock and break of the day, Ash was almost done his hanker journey back to the Kanto Region.

Ash had earlier contacted his Mom telling her that he would be returning home. picayune did Ash recognize the surprise that she was setting up for his return. He got off the ship and started the short walk of life to Pallet town. Shortly after he arrived at his house.

Ash walked in the front threshold and shouted `` I 'm menage ! ``

Ash 's female parent came out from the kitchen with Mr. Mime.

'' Ash ! Welcome domicile, it 's safe to see you ''.

Delia came up to Ash and put her arms around him and hugged him. Ash hugged her back.

Delia stood back, still holding Ash 's shoulders, and looked at him.

'' You 've certainly grown up while you 've been away '' she said, approvingly.

Delia pulled away from Ash and said `` Why do n't you involve your things up to your room and then occur down and tell me what you 've been up to ''.

Ash gathered his matter and went up to his way while Delia motioned to Mr. mime to get Misty, Tracey and professor Oak who were hiding in the Kitchen. They all gathered on the seating awaiting Ash to come back downstairs. A few minutes later, Ash bounced down the stairs and the group yelled, `` surprise ! ``.

Ash nearly jumped when he saw his friends and professor Oak there.

'' Good to see you Ash. '' prof Oak said.

'' I thought you 'd like this after your journey. I contacted Misty, Tracey and professor Oak telling them you were coming abode. '' Delia said, putting some intellectual nourishment on the coffee table. She then sat on the sofa side by side Ash and said `` Now, tell us what 's been happening in your journey. ``

Ash talked for an hour or so telling them about all the journeys that he, Brock and Dawn had had the last few calendar month. The group listened as he told them all the experiences with the different types of Pokemon in the Shinou region as well as all the new knowledge about Pokemon he had learned.

Finally, Ash 's mom had heard enough about his journey 's and wanted to study more about Ash 's personal life sentence. Ash was n't a minuscule boy any more. He was getting elderly and more mature.

'' So Ash, any girlfriends ? '' Ash 's mom asked.

'' Girlfriends ? ! '' Ash replied. `` I 've been too interfering battling and capturing Pokemon and competing in the Pokemon Leagues ''.

Delia leaned forward towards Ash. `` I do n't think you. '' she scolded. `` I 'm sure a Pokemon Trainer as in force looking as you has plenitude of girlfriend chasing him. ``

Misty and Tracey both giggled as Ash was blushing.

'' Most of the sentence it 's just Brock chasing all the girls. It 's that right Ash ? '' Misty exclaimed directing her question towards Delia.

'' Uh Right Misty. '' Ash replied.

'' fountainhead Ash, I 'm glad to see that you have learned quite a bit about Pokemon while in the Shinou conference. It 's getting a bit lately, so I think it 's about time that Tracey and I returned base. '' prof Oak said.

'' Misty is going to say here for a few years as she made the journey from Ceurlian Gym to come see you Ash. '' Delia said.

'' Yeah, and it will pass me some time off from the gym. '' Misty replied.

'' Well goodnight everyone. '' Tracey said as he and Professor Oak got up and headed out the door.

'' Thanks for coming to natter ! '' Ash said. `` I 'll be for sure to shake off by to see all my other Pokemon soon. '' With that, the two left.

Delia seemed somewhat interested after listening for the past times few hours about Ash. He had spent all this fourth dimension telling about his Pokemon and his journey. He seemed completely dedicated to Pokemon, though there was cipher wrong with this, but Ash was getting aged now and it concerned her that he was n't spending more meter doing other things. She decided that he needed to learn that there is More to do that learn and study about Pokemon.

'' well Misty, we 'll let you stay down here on the pull out sofa for the next few mean solar day then. '' Delia said.

'' Great thanks Mrs. Ketchum. '' she replied.

'' Alright young man, you 've had enough excitement for one day. foreland upstairs and get ready for bed. '' Ash 's mom said as she began to help Misty made her bed. Ash went upstairs to his room and began to unpack some of his affair. A few minutes later he heard his mom derive up the steps and go into her room.

Delia was tired after a long day of preparing for Ash 's homecoming. She got her bathrobe and went into the ensuite bathroom forgetting to completely close the door as she was normally at habitation by herself. She put the bathrobe on the bath comeback, stripped off her clothes and got into the shower.

Ash had finished unpacking all his stuff and realized he needed to brush his tooth and get ready for bed. Misty was downstairs in the family way getting cook as well so he decided to go use the bathroom in his mother 's elbow room. The bedroom door was outdoors but he could n't see his mom anywhere. Stepping into the room he heard a noise from the bathroom and was about to turn and manoeuver back to his room, but noticing the door was open, he moved a bit closer.

'' Mom ? '' Ash said as he moved closer to the sound from the bathroom.

The phone he had heard was the shower running and from where he stood he could see through the methamphetamine hydrochloride exhibitor wall. He mother was standing in the rain shower washing her consistence with a lather soap ball.

Ash began to sense a bit strange and his penis begin to harden as he saw his female parent slowly move her handwriting up from her ankles over her calves. As she finished washing there, she moved up over her tabu second joint. He saw her move over the front of her thighs and then up the internal thigh all the way up to just beneath her private part. She must have already done the other leg because as she finished she stood up straight and washed the excess scoop foam off the lather orchis. Ash seemed fixated on her private part between her legs but he could n't give it out as the field glass, urine and contraction from the exhibitor was blurring his vision.

Ash watched his mother dropped the max lather chunk and adjust the shower head. While she turned around to adjust the exhibitioner oral sex, Delia noticed Ash looking at her through the tornado in the door, he was attempting to shroud but he was still somewhat visible through the reflection in the bathroom mirror. Instead of covering up, she paused a instant, pretending that she did n't notice him and let Ash see her eubstance once again. She then reached back into the shower, grabbed her razor and then lathered up her pubic hair. While Ash watched, his mother shaved off pubic hair on her buck private section leaving a triangle of hairsbreadth above the brim and then carefully pulled the razor over and around her pussy. He could n't see what she was doing to it exactly but he knew that she was shaving hair off it.

Ash 's female parent took the exhibitor head and rinsed off the area around her buck private, rubbing one manus up and down between her leg. She then rinsed off the razor, hung it on the shower caddy, turned off the water and slid the shower door spread out. Delia quickly looked at the door to see if Ash was still there and noticed he had n't moved. She decided that she would stay on this little appearance for Ash.

Ash did n't know what he was thinking about but when he passed the bathroom door and saw it open and his mom in the rain shower. He had to stop and look. She was totally naked and he had never seen a defenseless miss before, infact he had n't even thought about seeing a naked girl before that moment. He should own passed by but he could n't, he just backed away a footstep so that he was n't mighty in the centre of the door.

Delia wrapped a towel around her hair and reached up to the shelf to get her application. As Delia stretched up, her breasts extended and Ash saw her nipples were extruding from them. Her white meat were amercement and house and not what he had imagined them to be. She squirted some lotion onto her hands and put her foot up onto the edge of the shower bath. She started with her powerful metrical unit and worked her way up to her private. Then the leave foot and the Lapplander. Every part of Ash 's brain was telling him to go but his body just would n't tally.

Once she had finished with her legs she started to put lotion on her berm. She started with her allow for shoulder. Starting at her back, as far as she could hit. As she did that her right chest thrust forward. She progressed to her presence and spread the lotion there. It appeared to Ash as if she was caressing her breast as much as putting lotion on it. Then she switched to her left and he could aver that during the whole time she was paying extra tending to her breasts, massaging them and rolling her pap between her fingers.

Delia finally put the lotion back on the shelf and looked at herself in the mirror, striking several different affectation that gave Ash an eyeful of every prospect of her beautiful naked torso. She lifted one tit up and looked at it in the mirror. And then the adjacent. She then stood back and looked at herself as she combed her finger through the whisker just above her private that she didnt trim off. Ash could now see the hair above a her individual respectable than before but could n't see her stallion private as her leg was blocking his opinion. She reached for her Theodore Harold White bathrobe and started to put it on. Suddenly Ash 's base could move and he could hear Misty coming up the step so he quickly left the room. Delia noticed Ash quickly leave out of the corner of her eye. She would chequer on him in a few proceedings once he was back in his room not to create any distrust that she caught him watching her. She quickly got back into her gown and waited a few mo before going.

Ash met Misty in the hallway and after a legal brief conversation with Misty, he said goodnight to her and Ash headed to his bedroom. Closing the door behind him, he sat down on his bed playing the conniption with his mother as she stepped out of the shower in his brain over and over. Suddenly he heard a knock at his room access. It was his mom and she had come to tuck him in.

'' Just coming to gather you in for sleep. '' She told him as she walked towards the bed and began to tuck him in. She kissed him on the forhead and said `` Goodnight '' before turning off the light. He could n't log Z's. He waited a minute of arc or so before getting up and heading to the john. The door to his mom 's bedchamber was now shut but he could see that the visible light was still on. He headed to the bathroom which had two doors. The door from the hall had been closed since the live time he was in the house as his mom used the ensuite enterance all the clip. He walked into the bathroom and noticed that the other bathroom doorway was still opened.

Ash 's earlier experience with his mom in the cascade was still racing in his judgement. His mind was racing and he suddenly decided to tally on his mom by looking through the former bathroom door.

Ash watched his mom who was standing in front of her dresser. She was getting undressed and record to log Z's. Ash 's heart was pounding and once again he could n't move. She had already unstuck the belt that held her robe together. Underneath her robe, she was wearing ovalbumin squeamish white cotton fiber step-in. Ash 's phallus stiffened and felt weird just like it had when he first saw his mom in the rain shower. She then turned and began to take the air back in Ash 's commission towards her vanity. As she walked she was carefully opening her robe wider. As she did so, her robe split wider and wider, revealing to Ash a soundly scene of her bosom which were still covered with her bra. Within a second her gown was off, but his gaze was still fixed on her private which was covered by her step-in. Ash 's center was pounding again in his throat.

In what seemed like a unity apparent motion she undid the back of her bra and slipped it off. Delia 's pap were business firm and she had these lovely magnanimous teat. Ash was in astounded and his eyes focused on the two boob which he saw ealier. At this compass point she was putting her robe on a dress hanger. She then turned to fall it up in the press, finally giving Ash a perspective of her ass. She dropped the wearing apparel hanger on her way to the closet and as she bent over to pick it up, Ash got this expectant sight of her scanty covered private from posterior. He could also see her breasts dangling from that sight. She then took a nightie off one of the hangers and slipped into it. She walked over to the bed and then turned off the light.

For the second time in the utmost few hr he had seen a miss, his mom nonetheless partially raw. Ash quietly walked back to his room still picturing his mom in his thinker. It took Ash a long time to get to slumber that night, his mind racing intellection of the issue that had transpired that day .
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